Sauna park

Finnish sauna
In the Finnish sauna the temperature is kept between 90-110°С with the help of an electrical heater that heats volcanic stones on top of it. The high temperature and low humidity of the air (up to 15%) lead to enlargement of the blood vessels, which contributes for better blood flow to the skin. As a result of the increased sweating (the body dehydrates itself and it is recommended to drink additional liquids), the body cleanses itself from toxins, the circulation of blood is improved and the skin is maintained clean and healthy.
The stay in the sauna relaxes tired muscles, removes mental fatigue, lowers stress and tension, improves metabolism and the resistance against infections.
The stay in the Finnish sauna depends on one’s endurance. If you visit it for the first time it is recommended to make several stays of between 5 to 10 minutes with taking shower between them.
It is mandatory for everybody to enter the premise with bare feet and to put a towel under him/her while being in the sauna.
The Finnish sauna cannot be used by:
- Pregnant women;
- Children under the age of 10 without an elder;
- After consumption of alcohol and/or drugs;
- People with high/low blood pressure and/or cardio-vascular diseases.

Infrared sauna
In the infrared sauna, the temperature is kept between 50-60°С with the help of infrared panels. The temperature is lower than the one in the Finnish sauna because only 20% of the radiation heat the air and the remaining 80% warm the body itself.
The infrared rays reach a few millimeters into the skin and cause a release of large amount of heat energy that distributes evenly in the body, thus making it sweat without troubling the proper functions of the liver and heart. The result is a balance of the functions of sweat glands, removal of toxins and dross, improvement of the blood flow and lymph edema, acceleration of fat burning and reduction of fatigue and stress.

The stay in the infrared sauna depends on one’s endurance. If you visit it for the first time it is recommended to make several stays of up to 10 minutes and take a shower between them.
It is mandatory for everybody to enter the premise with bare feet and to put a towel under him/her while being in the sauna.
The infrared sauna cannot be used by:
- Pregnant women;
- Children under the age of 10 without an elder;
- After consumption of alcohol and/or drugs;
- People with high/low blood pressure and/or cardio-vascular diseases.

Steam bath
In the steam bath the temperature of the air is kept between 50-55° with high level of humidity. The bath is very beneficial for the nerves and leads to muscle relaxation, reduction of stress and fatigue. It stimulates the secretarial function of the bronchial system and that of the sweat glands, as well as the removal of dross. The flow of oxygen and blood flow are improved.
The hot and humid air helps in cases of having a cold, sinusitis and bronchitis. Furthermore, it improves the thermoregulation of the body and has antiphlogistic, moisturizing and pain-removing effects. After being in the steam bath the skin gets softer, cleansed and elastic.
The stay in the steam bath depends on one’s endurance. If you visit it for the first time it is recommended to begin with several stays of up to 5 minutes and take a shower between them.
It is mandatory for everybody to enter the premise with flip flops.
The steam bath cannot be used by:
- Pregnant women;
- Children under the age of 10 without an elder;
- After consumption of alcohol and/or drugs;
- People with high/low blood pressure and/or cardio-vascular diseases.